"And you know that many times I am more in charge than your doctor."
"You are really good at poison and antidote, but this is a plague or a disease!"
"If I were in danger, would you go to from ruin or run away?"
"Of course not!"
"Then don’t do what you don’t want others to do to you. We are one, and I will follow you wherever you go from now on!"
Mo Zihan’s words made him feel a little sore in his throat.
Hug her tightly "Han Er … Luo Yuxi there …"
"No, I believe you can handle it. I’ll wait for you."
Yunzhoucheng is the southernmost border town in North Vietnam, but it is also one of the richest towns in North Vietnam.
The reason is the same as that of Fancheng. Although it is located on the border, North Vietnam is strong and no country dares to invade the border at will. Therefore, Yunzhou is also a prosperous city with border trade like Fancheng.
Especially in winter, wahoo fruit is suitable to grow in the south, and North Vietnam is the most in the south. In addition to planting many wahoo trees, many businessmen will also buy wahoo fruit from various countries and should go to the northern cities.
In this winter, an abnormal plague raided the whole city and became lonely and depressed.
Vendors no longer dare to do business in Liyunzhou, once a land of feng shui. Now it is no longer a car full of goods piled up on this street, but the bodies of people who died after the plague
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Chapter 316 Cloud State Disaster Relief [9]
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Liang Qiu Airlines, the satrap of Yunzhou, led Tuoli and Mo Zihan and his party to the most central street of Yunzhou. Now even here are dead bodies everywhere, full of medicine and crying.
"Report to my emperor this family is also the same symptoms of high fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea.
I have carefully checked the Yunzhou doctors’ prescriptions, but I don’t know why they can’t get the medicine to the disease. I will continue to find ways to treat the people here, but when it is urgent, I must get rid of the bodies as soon as possible to prevent a greater disaster. "
When she was frowning, the woman in the room suddenly vomited again. Mo Zihan took the side bowl quickly and caught her vomit.
"Han son" to take off some anxiously cried.
Although it is what the emperor should do to care for his own people and what his future queen should do, the plague is so severe that he is really afraid that Mo Zihan will be infected because of this too close behavior before finding a cure.
After vomiting, Mo Zihan helped the woman to lie down and put the woman’s vomit on the edge of her breath and sniffed her brow, but suddenly she frowned.
"Is there anything wrong with Han Er?"
There is no answer. Derimozihan asked, "Is there any shit left?"
"Please come with me if there is a princess." The chief immediately waited for Mo Zihan to come to the back room, where there was a bedpan, because the patient had to pull it back at any time and throw it away in the future.
"Help me beat up some feces."
"Please, Princess."
The chief fished up the excrement and handed it to Mo Zihan.
Mo Zihan, who even found the official very disgusting, didn’t dislike it at all. He carefully observed the characteristics and color of the stool and even sniffed it by his nose.
Someone in the place will see Mo Zihan’s actions in his eyes and keep them in his heart.
This is the witch in the smell, but now she has appeared in the plague center. If the witch really wants to subjugate North Vietnam, how can she come here regardless of her own safety?
"What about Haner?" Take off see MoZiHan expression some not good-looking eagerly asked.
"I’m not sure yet"
Mo Zihan answered "Tuoli" and then asked the prefect of Yunzhou, "Do ordinary people drink the river of Yunzhou moat on weekdays?"
"Back to the princess, a large part of the people draw water from the moat, and there are also some home conditions so that they can pump water from their own wells."
Out of the door, Mo Zihan ordered the chief to "fetch a bowl of moat water".
Chief back to stay here with a few credible people to take off the cloud could satrap MoZiHan just said.
"Have you ever thought that plagues usually appear in spring or summer, because at this time, the bacteria are the fastest to reproduce and the plague is the easiest to break out, but now the bacteria have been frozen to death in the middle of winter, where there may be plagues?"
"Does the princess mean that all these people are poisoned?" Cloud state satrap Liang Qiu airlines asked in disbelief.
Mozihan didn’t speak and turned to take off his brow and frowned deeply.
If it’s poisoning, what kind of poison is it? What’s the purpose?
After being sent by the moat water, Mozihan sniffed and said with dignity to take off the inside.
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Chapter 317 Cloud State Disaster Relief [1]
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"I don’t know who is so powerful that he can combine toxins and germs to breed a more overbearing new disease."
Mo Zihan’s words made someone’s face sink in the place.
"Liang Taishou took us to your house to see"
Liang Qiu Airlines slightly one leng, but soon understood and immediately took the emperor and his party to the Taishou House.
After ordering someone to pump a bucket of water from the well, Mo Zihan smelled it carefully and then took a sip. She looked at her nervously, but she didn’t speak.
It was not until Mo Zihan swallowed the water that he asked, "Is the water quality here not polluted?"
"Well," Mo Zihan nodded. "It is estimated that the water in this well is different from the ground water and the moat water and has not been polluted."
"What a nuisance!"
Take off is really forbearing to curse a.
Liang Qiu Airlines turned blue when it learned that the plague was not a natural disaster but a man-made disaster.
You know, this happened in the area under his jurisdiction, and it was attributed to the fact that when the emperor cared about women, Liang Qiu Airlines knew that it would be more than one bargained for.
The princess doesn’t look like a witch who has ruined the country and the people, and I don’t know who can be so bad. Finding an excuse that others are witches will not hesitate to poison hundreds of thousands of people in Yunzhou.
Later, at Mo Zihan’s request, several people with wells went away, and the result was the same. Salvaging water from underground water is different from salvaging water from moat.
"Liang Qiu Navigation Order"
"I am here"
"You immediately ordered people to inform the city people not to eat moat water again, ordered people with well water to put their own wellheads and other people to drink daily, and ordered people to dig more wells far away from the river to eat."
"Also," Mo Zihan ordered, "clean up all the bodies at once and burn them without burial. After the burning, mugwort leaves are smoked and poured on the streets, and then mugwort leaves are boiled and distributed to the people in the city."